The future begins now: First visit to Europe.
With the support granted by the governments of both India and Tibet, the Karmapa Foundation Europe (KFE) has the great pleasure and honour to announce the first visit to Europe by His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje.
The visit will take place in Germany for two weeks, beginning in late May 2014. There will be teachings and public activities at the Kamalashila Institute and in Berlin from 28 May until 8 June 2014.
Kamalashila Institute
Nürburgring Bitburger Event-Center
Estrel Convention Center
News from the Visit
- ‘Nurturing Compassion’ e-book now available to download
- Teachings from HH Karmapa’s visit to Europe 2014
The European Visit 2014 comes to a close.
The Gyalwang Karmapa Gives a Karma Pakshi Empowerment
Developing Inner Peace
Changing the World from the Inside Out: Love and Compassion for a Globalised World.
Buddhism and the Environment: Living in Harmony with the Planet
Escaping from the prison of self-centredness
The 17th Karmapa’s heart advice for a meaningful life
The Gyalwang Karmapa Arrives in Berlin
Kamalashila Institute bids farewell to the 17th Karmapa
Source of peace and blessings: His Holiness inaugurates the stupa at Kamalashila
A gift for the future: The 17th Karmapa plants a tree at Kamalashila
The Karmapa Offers His Thanks
The Healing Continues: The Medicine Buddha Empowerment
Purifying our negative actions: Vajrasattva Empowerment
The heart of Dharma practice: the three trainings
Karmapa’s heart advice on Dharma practice
The Empowerment of the Eighty-Four Mahasiddhas
Interdependence and responsibility
Interpreting the Buddha Dharma for the 21st century
- Images from His Holiness Karmapa’s 2014 European visit
- Live webcasts from the European Visit 2014
The Way of Guru Yoga
His Holiness the Karmapa returns to his European seat
The Pure Transmission of Dharma
- Karmapa meets the Press and local Tibetans
- The Official Commemorative Programme of the 2014 Visit is now available to download.
- The Future Has Begun
- Karmapa European Visit starts 28th May
More Tickets for “Karmapa Berlin 2014”
First visit to Europe by His Holiness the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje
View all the teachings from the European Visit 2014
Images from the European Visit 2014
You can also see all the images from the 2014 Visit here: More images

The Official Commemorative Programme of the 2014 visit can now be downloaded as an A4 pdf file.
Please click on the language links below to download the programme in the language of your choice:
English German Danish Finnish French Greek Italian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Russian Slovenian Spanish Swedish Ukrainian