by Jo Gibson on 23 May, 2016

Geneva, Switzerland – May 22, 2016 The Medicine Buddha tradition was brought to Tibet from India in the 8th century by the great Indian Buddhist master, the abbot Shantarakshita of Nalanda (725–788), who gave the teachings to the Tibetan king Trisong Deutsen. The abbot’s aim was to increase the welfare of Tibet: to improve health, prevent disease, give protection against…
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by Michele Martin on 22 May, 2016

Geneva, Switzerland – May 21, 2016 Following his afternoon talk, the Karmapa spoke with about hundred Tibetans who live in the Geneva area, augmented by those who came from farther afield to be present today. He conversed with them in great sympathy for the problems they face wherever they might live, in India, Tibet, or other countries of the world.…
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by Jo Gibson on 22 May, 2016

Geneva, Switzerland – May 21, 2016 In the morning session, the Gyalwang Karmapa had focused on the need to turn our minds inwards in order to find contentment and peace and had suggested that meditation was a tool for achieving this. In the afternoon session, His Holiness used his own life story as an illustration of the dangers inherent when…
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by Michele Martin on 22 May, 2016

Geneva, Switzerland – May 21, 2016 The stage at the Theater of Geneva had been transformed into a stunning shrine, brilliant in color yet intimate and warm in feeling. The back of the stage was hung with tall scroll paintings of the Buddha flanked by Avalokiteshvara and the Medicine Buddha while below sixteen goddesses made their offerings. Behind a row…
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by Michele Martin on 20 May, 2016

Lausanne, Switzerland - May 20, 2016 Today the Gyalwang Karmapa traveled northeast to Lausanne along the Lake of Geneva with its vistas of snowy peaks. His destination was the Nyingma Dharma center of Namkha Rinpoche, Thegchok Ling, a part of his Rigdzin Community that organized the Karmapa’s visit to Switzerland. Tucked in a quiet corner of the town, not far…
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by Karma Wangdu on 20 May, 2016

We are happy to announce that online webcasting of the teachings from the 2016 European Visit will be webcast starting at 9:30am (CET) 21st May. Please visit to view the live webcast and to find out more about the webcast times in your time zone. To read all the reports from the events, visit our news section here:
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by Michele Martin on 19 May, 2016

Geneva, Switzerland – 18 May 2016. During the late afternoon the Gyalwang Karmapa touched down for the first time at the Geneva airport in southern Switzerland with its soaring Alps. The Karmapa was formally received by Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, President of Karmapa Foundation Europe, Ngodup Dorjee, the representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and Sangye Dorje, the President of…
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by Karma Wangdu on 22 March, 2016

Following the announcement that His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa will make his third visit to Europe from 21st May to 5th June, all details of the events and where to purchase tickets can now be found on the relevant organiser’s websites. You can also find a full schedule of the events on the KFE website here. His Holiness will…
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by Karma Wangdu on 8 March, 2016

The Karmapa Foundation Europe (KFE) is happy to announce that His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, has generously accepted to visit Europe for a third time in 2016. The visit to Europe has been confirmed and all necessary clearances have been given by the relevant authorities. His Holiness will teach Dharma in new European countries and places:…
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by Karma Wangdu on 26 January, 2016

The fourth Dodrupchen Rinpoche, who is one of the greatest living Nyingma masters, has said that if the followers of the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje accumulate recitations of this dharani [long mantra], His Holiness will live long and his activities will benefit a great number of beings. Therefore His Holiness’ sister, Jetsun Ngodup Palzom has invited all students,…
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