by Karma Wangdu on 11 June, 2014

Estrel Convention Center, Berlin, Germany June 7, 2014 Coming on to the stage this afternoon, the Karmapa briefly disappeared behind a brilliantly colored tree set near the top of the stairs. He reemerged looking out at the crowd as he walked over to take his seat. He began on a light note, “I’ve been talking for some days now and…
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by Karma Wangdu on 11 June, 2014

Estrel Convention Center June 6, 2014 Lively conversations in the Estrel Convention Hall subsided as the Karmapa entered and walked onto the stage, his red and golden robes blending perfectly with the rich hues of the immense images of the Buddha and Guru Rinpoche arrayed behind him.
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by Karma Wangdu on 10 June, 2014

Estrel Convention Centre 6th June, 2014 For the second day’s teaching in Berlin, the venue had changed into a bigger auditorium which seats 1600 people.
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by Karma Wangdu on 7 June, 2014
by Karma Wangdu on 7 June, 2014

Estrel Convention Centre, Berlin 7.30pm, 5th June, 2014 A crowded hall greeted the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, when he arrived shortly after 7.30pm this evening to deliver his first public address here in Berlin at the Estrel Convention Center. A few minutes earlier, Ringu Tulku, the 17th Karmapa’s Representative in Europe, had taken the stage in order to quieten…
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by Karma Wangdu on 6 June, 2014

Dharma Mati, the Rigpa Center in Berlin, Germany June 4, 2014 His Holiness’ black Mercedes drove slowly down the tree-lined Soor Street to a welcoming crowd waiting in front of the German Rigpa Center, Dharma Mati. Colorful katas added a brightness to the greenery and the traditional red brick, arched façade of the elegant building. His Holiness stopped to greet…
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by Karma Wangdu on 5 June, 2014

Kamalashila Institute 2nd June, 2014 At 8.30am, the two resident lamas, Lama Kelzang Wangdi and Lama Sonam Rabgye, the Chöpon, and Kamalashila Institute staff gathered in the shrine room for a final audience with His Holiness, in order to say goodbye. Everyone had worked so hard to make this visit successful, and it was obvious from His Holiness’ encouraging smiles,…
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by Karma Wangdu on 5 June, 2014

Kamalashila Institute 1st June, 2014 More than five hundred people, invited guests, volunteers and staff, gathered in the grounds of Kamalashila in front of the stupa for its inauguration by His Holiness the 17th Karmapa. After several days of cloud and some rain, the weather had cleared and the brilliant -white stupa with its gold-plated copper pinnacle stood proud against…
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by Karma Wangdu on 5 June, 2014

Kamalashila Institute 1st June, 2014 On several occasions during the first part of his teachings in Germany, the 17th Karmapa has emphasised the personal responsibility we all share for protecting and preserving the natural environment. In 2009 he founded Khoryug, an organisation of Buddhist monasteries, nunneries and centres dedicated to protecting the fragile environment of the Himalayan region.
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by Karma Wangdu on 4 June, 2014

May 31, 2014 After the Medicine Buddha empowerment, the Karmapa brought the teaching program to conclusion by saying, “Although it took many years, at last this visit happened, because we continued to have hopes and aspirations. This is the first time I could step onto the land of Europe. For a long time I couldn’t come here, and it was…
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