The Karmapa Offers His Thanks

May 31, 2014
After the Medicine Buddha empowerment, the Karmapa brought the teaching program to conclusion by saying, “Although it took many years, at last this visit happened, because we continued to have hopes and aspirations. This is the first time I could step onto the land of Europe. For a long time I couldn’t come here, and it was difficult for you to come to India. This time, I could only come to Germany, but many of you from the different countries of Europe could come here, and we have now established a meaningful relationship. I am very pleased about that.”
“The main thing that made it possible for me to come here is my friends in the government of India who made a lot of effort and because of their support, this trip could happen. Though they are not here, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to them. I also want to mention the Tibetan Government, and especially His Holiness the Dalai Lama; they have always supported and helped me in my activities. Without their help and support, there is no way that this visit could have happened. The German government has also helped a lot and the local centres and all the people from all over Europe who have worked together on this visit. Because of everyone’s efforts, this joyful and most auspicious occasion could happen. Let us all rejoice together.”
The announcer then called up to the front of the hall about two hundred volunteers who had worked before and during the visit: “These are the people in the background who have been helping you.” A long applause followed. The Karmapa thanked them all for their work and sincere motivation. He ended the entire event with “I’m grateful to you all.” He said in English, “See you again!”